I often wondered what it would be like to have a conversation with farm animals. I mean, I didn't doubt that cows, goats, sheep, and others would have conversations, I just didn't know that I would be in such a blessed position to have the conversation with one of them! But yesterday was my lucky day!
Yesterday, my niece asked to speak to a dog who had a really rough start at life. I agreed but asked that it be later since I had a full day at work. I asked for a photograph of the boy. She then jokingly asked if I would rather talk to her goats. We agreed that the dog was first priority, since he had some important issues. We said goodbye each went about our day.
After work, I received a message from my niece, including the picture of the dog. (That story will be in another post!). I mentioned I had just gotten home and wanted to eat. Out of the blue, one of her goats sent me a very clear message! She politely asked that her food be spruced up a bit and mentioned that she preferred her older treats. I immediately messaged my niece and told her what was being said. Her white goat, Daisy, was showing displeasure lately, in the food and the treats! Apparently, the food company changed the formula, and it was NOT to Daisy's liking.
Daisy kept my attention for quite some time .We talked about Daisy was very specific about the type of treats she wanted. Carrots! Carrots with the tops on! hahaha Also apples. When my niece was telling me about the change in formula, Daisy chimed in and suggested a "stew"- mixture of food with molasses, carrots, and some water. She remembers my niece doing that in the past and mentioned it as a reminder.
Daisy then showed me another goat, much bouncier and brown colored. This would be Aster. Also my nieces goat. Daisy gave a very clear "side-eye" and whispered "This one never sits still!". Daisy loves Aster, but also wanted to be clear that she is the proper lady while Aster, well, let's just say Aster is full of the devil! She loves to get into mischief and chew everything she can get her teeth on. It really is quite funny to see (and hear) how animals perceive themselves, their companions, and their desire to want their human to know these things.
As I was ending the conversation, Daisy said "Wait!" and showed me water buckets. I asked my niece about this and explained that there were water buckets around so their was always fresh water. Well, Daisy made it very clear that she did not want to share her water with Aster. Why? She said Aster was very sloppy. Daisy does not like to drink after Aster does because of her drool and slobber. HA!
I thanked Daisy for coming to me. I hope someday I will be able to meet Daisy and Aster in person! Perhaps a road-trip is in my future!

Isn't she lovely?