Today's blog continues the interview with Diane Lunsford of Feathered Quill Book Reviews. As I reread the interview questions and responses I gave, I am filled with a sense of joy and love for the book. It is almost as if the book has a life of its own and I was merely the conduit. Does that make sense? Anyway, here are a few more questions and answers. I would love to hear your (my readers) thoughts!
5. In line with my previous question, leading up to the event, the important lesson you impart, ‘…Life’s Purpose does not have to be a huge spectacle or event. It is the little things that help others feel whole and loved that are the most important…’ At what point in your life did you have this reckoning?
Another great question! I think I have always believed that the small things are most important in life. However, it was not until I had my children and Little Bear that I fully realized this to be true. Humans tend to look at the larger events, rush from one thing to the next in search of love, accomplishments, prestige, or monetary awards. In doing so, we miss out on all the smaller more subtle things that truly make life rich. My children and Little Bear taught me “the pause”. They showed me life through different, more innocent, and purer eyes. I saw the world with a newly awakened sense of awe, but also a deep desire to make it a better place. Little Bear made me more aware of nature and all the inhabitants…creatures I would not have noticed before even though they are always there. Bringing my focus in towards nature has kept me grounded. I credit a lot of my important learning to my children and Little Bear.
6. Your poem at book’s end ‘A Place Called Joy’ is lovely. Do you have a book of poems or have you thought of publishing a book of poems?
Thank you! I wrote that poem when Little Bear first passed. It was my entryway into writing Finding Joy. I do not have a book of poems yet, but it has crossed my mind as a possible next project.
