One of the most heart-breaking things a human being can experience is the loss of their beloved animal companion. What makes this loss even more difficult, is when the decision to assist them in crossing over is necessary.
Here is what I learned as both the human of an animal companion and an animal communicator. Animals understand death. They do not understand the various diseases or possible treatments and all that medical jargon. What they understand is very simple and straightforward: we live, we die. Every being on earth was born into a body and every being on earth eventually leaves that body. It is that simple.
What happens before and after life on earth is somewhat of a mystery. However, speaking with the animals who have crossed over, I feel I have a little insight, at least from their perspective. The essence of a being (animals and humans etc) is the soul. The soul is made up of energy. Energy, as we learned in school, does not die. It simply changes form. If you have ever had Reiki done or another form of energy healing, you know that energy moves. So, when a being passes away, the Soul (energy) moves out of the body. Where does it go? It returns to Source (Great Spirit, God, Energy). Once the Soul returns to Source, the Soul is at complete peace. That is why, it is often said that a person "goes home" when they pass away.
This happens to animals too. They return to Source and leave behind all earthly matters: their body, their pain, their troubles, and their families. When i communicate with animals who have transitioned, they often present themselves to me as they were in life. Sometimes, they show up as a younger version of themselves. This is because that is how they prefer to be remembered or perhaps it was when they loved their body the most! This presentation of themselves does not mean they are still in their body. We know that is not the case. Sometimes, an animal will show themselves with other beings who have also crossed over. They too present themselves in the physical form doing things they may have done on earth, so that we can understand who we are speaking with.
Understanding this should help those grieving on earth. I am always asked if they are ok. Of course they are! They are no longer in their physical body! They are free! They have returned to Source where all is fine. The Soul is released from the earthly limitations and are free to move about in the greatest peace we could ever imagine.
Sometimes, we wonder if our companion is alone "on the other side". No Soul who has transitioned is every alone. They are greeted by family, friends, other Souls from other lives. Even if our animal companion was alone in life until rescued, they still have a team of Souls waiting for them to join Source.
I completely understand the pain we feel when losing our companions. It is, however, an ease to my soul to know that our companions are always with us. Their body's may have died, but their Soul lives on forever.
